Market Analysis

Market Analysis Summary

 Forty Travels uses several different forms of communication for their marketing strategy. The first is our website. While Forty Travels currently has a website, they recognize that resources are required to maintain the site as well as continually improve it. The website will constantly be tested to determine that it is coming up as one of the top results when key words are entered into a search engine.

Another form of communication is magazine advertising. The magazine advertisements will be used to increase visibility of Forty Travels SA and position it as the top service provider in the tourist Industry.

The magazine advertisements will be used to increase visibility of Forty Travels SA and position it as the top service provider in the high-end hard adventure market.

As time progresses and a loyal customer base is established, Forty Travels will rely on email newsletters and direct mail to the customers that are on the mailing list. The newsletters will share specials to our clients. The goal of the newsletters incentivize is to keep on our current clients and to build new client data base. 

Aware of the fact that operating in such a market is largely dependent on good networking, we have established networks and strategic relationships with various hotels, lodges and travel agents to ensure a steady stream of clients. However, in so doing we intend to ensure that the service we provide is of extremely high quality and comfortable.

Target Market Segment Strategy

Our marketing strategy will be based mainly on making the right service(s) available to the right target customer. We will ensure that our services’ prices take into consideration organizations’ and peoples’ budgets, and that these people know that we exist, appreciate the value of our services, and how to contact us. The marketing will convey the sense of quality in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. Our intension is to target those individuals and groups looking for leisure activities and places to visit, keeping in mind the budget of an individual.

Market Needs

Though the tourism sector has undergone rapid growth over the last decade the vast majority entering this sector. With this in mind we intend to exploit the untapped market in areas so as to provide our customers with a good service and realize our business objectives.

We understand that our target markets need more than just being shown the areas of interest but also to be informed about their significance and origins. Hence, we don’t just intend to provide a service, but to provide one of unparalleled nature relative to the market.

Market Trends

Of all the uncertainty surrounding this industry, one fact is certain travel is here to stay. The only question is how large the industry will become and whether it can sustain, if not exceed, its current growth rate. However large the market ultimately becomes; the company strongly believes that travel will be an important component of this market place.

Tourism statistics provide a reliable guide as to the size of the market.

Competition and Buying Patterns

The key element in service utilization decisions made at the company’s client level is trust in the reputation and reliability of the firm. The most important factor in this market will be the quality of the service received. This is particularly so considering the various interests of individuals as they strive to see as many places as possible. The very nature of our services dictates that the pricing of our services will vary according to the destination travelled, as different customers opt to travel to different places and within specified time frames.

In our line of business, clients often compare travel companies directly. However, they usually follow word of mouth recommendations obtained from hotels, travel agencies, government departments, car hire companies, other such related companies and from individuals.

Main Competitors

We have identified competing companies, some firmly established, that fill the same needs as Forty Travels. We intend to market ourselves in such a way that with time competitor customers will choose our service over competitors on the basis of our higher quality and the after service we provide.

Our Associations


At forty travels and tours, we off­er our clients the co-ordination of comprehensive travel itineraries within a 24 hour turnaround time.

Contact Info

Tel: +2731 209 1812
Trading Name: Forty Travels S.A (PTY) Ltd
Registration Number: 2015/082477/07
Address: 102 Harbottle Road, Overport, Durban, 4091

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